Superintendent Henderson Lewis Invites NOLA Community, Anyone Who Loves a Teacher to ‘Ring a Bell, Bang a Pan and Make Some Noise’ to Salute Teachers on Tuesday, May 5 at 9 a.m.

NEW ORLEANS – (April 30, 2020) - As NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) continues to provide critical resources and help to students and families adjusting to distance-learning in the age of COVID-19, our teachers have been there every step of the way. In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Day, NOLA-PS and Cox Communications are partnering to launch the “NOLA Morning Bell,” campaign to thank our incredible teachers for all their hard work in supporting student learning and development during this unprecedented time.

On Tuesday, May 5 at 9 a.m., NOLA-PS and Cox Communications are inviting all New Orleans residents to join in and thank our amazing teachers by ringing a bell, banging a pan, clapping their hands and making some noise to salute our teachers. The campaign was inspired by those in New York City cheering for the doctors and frontline workers every evening. Those who plan to join NOLA-PS and Cox in celebrating our teachers, should share their videos and salutes on social media using the tag #NOLAMorningBell.

 "Every morning our teachers have been working hard to keep classrooms open virtually for 45,000 students throughout Orleans Parish; amid these unprecedented times that have forced school closures and all of us to be apart, that is something you better believe we will make some noise and celebrate,” said NOLA-PS Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr. “Though classrooms may look a bit different, the coursework remains the same thanks to the dedication efforts of our teachers and schools. I want to extend my immense gratitude to all of the educators in the parish and I hope that all New Orleanians and surrounding Parishes can join me in celebrating all our incredible teachers on Tuesday, May 5 at 9 a.m.”

 “Now more than ever, teachers are going above and beyond to make sure students in the New Orleans metropolitan area are able to continue learning in new and exciting ways,” said Kevin Monroe, COX Communications Vice President for the New Orleans market. “We’re thrilled to partner with NOLA-PS for this #NOLAMorningBell initiative, and we’re thankful to Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr., for coming up with this great idea to recognize area teachers for their hard work. At Cox, we’ll continue to focus on providing our customers, and K-12 students and teachers in particular, with the tools necessary to close the digital divide.”

 With support from Cox Communications, this campaign will launch with a 30-second public service announcement featuring NOLA educators to air on Cox cross-channel stations beginning on Friday, May 1.

 ABOUT NOLA PUBLIC SCHOOLS: NOLA Public Schools is the public school district for Orleans Parish, which includes the district’s elected school board, known as the Orleans Parish School Board and the district’s administration led by NOLA Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis Jr. NOLA Public Schools currently oversees 78 public schools. For more information, visit  // For updates, follow NOLA Public Schools on Facebook @NOLAPublicSchools, Instagram @nolaps and Twitter @NOLAPSchools.

 About Cox Communications : Cox Communications is committed to creating meaningful moments of human connection through broadband applications and services. The largest private telecom company in America, we proudly serve six million homes and businesses across 18 states. We're dedicated to empowering others to build a better future and celebrate diverse products, people, suppliers, communities and the characteristics that makes each one unique. Cox Communications is the largest division of Cox Enterprises, a family-owned business founded in 1898 by Governor James M. Cox.
