60 recent high school graduates were eligible for the drawing.
(New Orleans – (May 22, 2024) – 18-year-old Tyran Zardies Jr, a soon to be graduate of The Willow School won this year's Stay in School Car Giveaway. Zardies, who plans to study finance at LSU, walked away with 2024 Toyota Corolla LE for being one of 60 NOLA Public School (NOLA-PS) students to have perfect attendance in their senior year of high school. He was randomly selected via a raffle.
"It means a lot. I crashed my car last year," said Zardies. "It's going to really help me traveling back and forth from school, dropping my sister off to camp, and going back and forth from work."
This is the 18th year in a row, NOLA-PS and Premier Automotive Group awarded a brand-new car, courtesy of Toyota of New Orleans, to a recent high school graduate with perfect attendance. To date, more than 750 students have participated in this annual event.
"On behalf of NOLA-PS, I extend our deepest gratitude to Troy Duhon, the Premier Automotive family, and all our sponsors for their generous partnership," said NOLA-PS Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams. "Each year, our seniors with perfect attendance eagerly anticipate this event. Competing for a new car is an incredible reward that celebrates their commitment to education. It truly highlights their exceptional work ethic and dedication to attending class every single day. We applaud their excellence, recognizing that every one of them is a winner."
The 60 finalists were invited to Toyota of New Orleans for the final drawing on Wednesday, May 22. All students with perfect attendance were eligible for monetary donations and swag bags with $100 Amazon gift cards provided by Troy Duhon, founder and president of Premier Automotive, along with in-kind donations to upgrade vehicle features courtesy of All-Star Electric and Mobile-One Auto Sound.
"I am so excited that we did this again for the 18th year. So many students, teachers and families have been blessed from this event over the years from the Stay in School program," said Troy Duhon, founder and president of Premier Automotive. "It's important to instill the importance of commitment in these students' lives. It truly determines your success in life,"
Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) President Katie Baudouin was delighted to witness the impressive gathering of students and families celebrating a truly remarkable milestone. "Achieving perfect attendance is no small task," she said. "The unwavering dedication and determination shown by these students and their families are truly inspiring. They set a high standard for their peers and build a solid groundwork for their future success."
On behalf of the OPSB, Mrs. Baudouin, along with board members Leila Eames and Dr. Donaldo R. Batiste, announced the board would personally contribute $2,777.96 to help cover the taxes and registration fees for the vehicle giveaway.
About NOLA Public Schools: NOLA Public Schools is the public school district for Orleans Parish. It includes the district's administration and elected school board, known as the Orleans Parish School Board. NOLA Public Schools currently oversees 67 public schools and is led by Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams, the first woman in the District's 181 years to serve as its permanent superintendent.
For more information, visit www.nolapublicschools.com. For updates, follow NOLA Public Schools on Facebook @NOLAPublicSchools, Instagram @nolaps and Twitter @NOLAPSchools.