(New Orleans – April 30, 2024) – Today, NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) released its NOLA-PS Common Application Process (NCAP) Main Round placement results for Early Childhood and grades K-12 for the 2024-2025 school year. Families can log-in and review those placement results for Early Childhood by visiting: apply.avela.org/nolaps and placement results for K-12 by visiting nola.ps/apply

The NCAP is the centralized school enrollment application process for Orleans Parish public schools. NCAP provides students and families with the opportunity to apply to schools citywide, and early childcare centers with publicly funded seats based on their child's unique needs and interests.

K-12 Enrollment

For the 2024-2025 school year, NOLA-PS received 7,856 applications for new placements in grades K-12 and 2,397applications for new placements in early childhood. 95% of sibling applicants were matched to their sibling's school.

  • 96% of Kindergarten and 9th grade applicants seeking a new placement received one, with 94% receiving one of their top three choices.
  • >99% of eligible applicants to Kindergarten and 9th grade were placed at a sibling's school.

The results continue to demonstrate our commitment to equitable access for families to the schools of their choice. Most scholars participating in the NCAP process have been placed in one of their top three school choices; in nearly every case, our schools were able to admit siblings; and students entering Kindergarten or 9th grade were matched to schools they identified as a good fit.

"As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, NOLA Public Schools unveiled its new K-12 Parent Portal coinciding with NCAP's Main Round. This innovative platform offers comprehensive enrollment insights from Early Childhood to K-12 results each within their own unique accessible hubs," stated NOLA-PS Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams. "Moreover, our student enrollment services team's support sessions, family resource centers, and enhanced Helpdesk, help guide families toward their children's success. Ultimately, our goal is to expand access and provide options that ensure every scholar receives a high-quality education."

Virtual Main Round Results Lunch & Learn

On Wednesday, May 1, NOLA-PS' Enrollment Family Services will host a Lunch and Learn virtual session for any Early Childhood or K-12 family interested in learning more about the Main Round results and next steps. The session will be held from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm and families can sign up via this Zoom link.

Families Still Seeking K-12 School Placement

Families who did not participate in the Main Round or would like to change their Main Round placement can participate in Open Enrollment, which begins Wednesday, June 5th.

Open Enrollment is a rolling enrollment process in which families can select from any seats not taken during Main Round Enrollment on a first come, first served basis. Families can enroll directly into open seats through the Parent Portal without visiting a Family Resource Center. Families can learn more at www.enrollnolaps.com/K12OpenEnrollment.

Have more questions? Families are encouraged to send an email to enroll@nolapublicschools.com

The Leah Chase School

Families who want to enroll their child in the district's first permanent, direct-run public school in nearly 18 years, are encouraged to participate in Open Enrollment starting Wednesday, June 5th. The Leah Chase school will have seats available for all interested families who need a placement for a student entering Kindergarten through 5th grade.

This includes Lafayette Academy families in those grades who participated in Main Round Enrollment but prefer to remain on the same campus that will house The Leah Chase School. To learn more about the school, visit: https://nolapublicschools.com/schools/tlc

Early Childhood Enrollment

For the 2024-2025 school year, NOLA-PS received 2,397 applications for new placements in early childhood. Families who applied during the Early Childhood (EC) Birth - 4-year-old Main Round and completed verification will receive their placement results today, April 30, 2024.

73% of applicants seeking a new placement were verified as eligible across grades Infant – 4 years old.

Of the 2,397 applications, 1,826 (76%) applicants successfully submitted all documents needed for the verification process. There are ongoing efforts to work with the families of the other 24% to submit the correct documentation to be verified.

Families Still Seeking an Early Childhood School Placement

Families who did not participate in the Early Childhood Main Round or would like to change their Main Round placement can participate in Early Childhood Open Enrollment, which begins Monday, May 13th.

Interested families can apply through the Avela portal and must meet eligibility requirements. Eligible families will be added to waitlists and seats will be filled after May 13th and throughout the 24-25 school year.

NOLA-PS Early Learning & Childcare Important Application Update

State Decision Pending on CCAP B-3 and ECEF Seat Allocation:

The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) will not make decisions about the Early Childhood Education Fund (ECEF) and CCAP B-3 funding until June 2024.All Main Round Applications for 2024-25 early learning programs with CCAP B-3 and ECEF seats will be placed on a Waitlist status until the state provides final decisions related to funding and/or seat allocation.

New Orleans City Seats Update:

Until the state's decision regarding ECEF funding and CCAP B-3 seat allocations is finalized, no new students will receive seats from the City Seats funding source. This proactive measure ensures that we align our resource allocation with upcoming state guidelines.

Waitlist Placement for Applicants:

All Main Round Applications for 2024-25 early learning programs with CCAP B-3 and ECEF seats will be placed on a Waitlist status until the state provides final decisions related to funding and/or seat allocation. This action will allow us to maintain a fair and orderly application process.

All other allocations for the remaining funding sources are not impacted by the state's decision in June.

Need Help?

If families need help accessing their NCAP results in either portal, they may contact the NOLA-PS enrollment team through the Help Desk: nola.ps/helpdesk.

Want help understanding your results? Visit www.Enrollnolaps.com/K12MainRoundResults for more information. Families can connect with us in person, by phone, or by email by visiting https://enrollnolaps.com/connect


About NOLA Public Schools: NOLA Public Schools is the public school district for Orleans Parish. It includes the district's administration and elected school board, known as the Orleans Parish School Board. NOLA Public Schools currently oversees 67 public schools and is led by Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams, the first woman in the District's 181 years to serve as its permanent superintendent.

For more information, visit www.nolapublicschools.com. For updates, follow NOLA Public Schools on Facebook @NOLAPublicSchools, Instagram @nolaps and Twitter @NOLAPSchools.