(New Orleans – September 13, 2024) — NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) will resume regular operations on Monday, September 16. Families are encouraged to contact their individual schools for specific details and schedules.

The health and safety of our scholars, staff, and families remain our highest priority. We understand that many families may still be coping with power outages or home damage and urge them to prioritize their well-being. If your child cannot attend school on Monday, please inform your school.

Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams expresses deep gratitude to the schools, educators, staff, families, and students for their strength and collaboration in navigating the challenges brought by Francine.

NOLA-PS is proud of our community's efforts and looks forward to a smooth transition back to regular operations.


About NOLA Public Schools: NOLA Public Schools is the public school district for Orleans Parish. It includes the district's administration and elected school board, known as the Orleans Parish School Board. NOLA Public Schools currently oversees 67 public schools and is led by Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams, the first woman in the District's 181 years to serve as its permanent superintendent.

For more information, visit www.nolapublicschools.com. For updates, follow NOLA Public Schools on Facebook @NOLAPublicSchools, Instagram @nolaps and Twitter @NOLAPSchools.